Last weekend marked the national Bird Watch Weekend. If you enjoyed this event as much as we did, then why not try attracting more of the feather creatures to your back garden? We have found that the best way to do this is by crafting your very own, home made birdhouse!
Children of all ages can make this birdhouse, but it is advised that an adult should be there to help with any challenging steps. So, what will you need?
· Empty cartons (e.g. orange juice cartons), washed and dried
· Paint
· Paintbrush
· Water
· Paper towels or an old newspaper
· Nail or screwdriver
· String
· Scissors
· Bird seed
Now that we have everything that we will need, it is time to begin!
Step 1
The first thing you will need to do cut out the sides out of the carton (almost like creating a window on each side), leaving about a centimetre or inch from the edge. Once cut, remove the pieces and leave the cartons on the side to dry. It might be a good idea to do this the night before, so they are fully dry and ready to paint the next morning.
Step 2
It is advised that you lay down the newspaper or paper towels to protect the surface, as step 2 is to design and paint the cartons. This is where your children can really get creative, using different colours and designs to decorate the bird houses. Once painted, leave to dry.
Step 3
When dry, poke a hole into the top of each side of the carton. This can be done with either a nail or screwdriver. Next, threat a piece of string through the holes and tie with a knot at the top so it can be hung up.
Step 4
Fill your new birdhouse with bird seeds and find the perfect location in your garden to hang it so you can all watch the birds coming for lunch.
Make sure when you are finding the perfect location to hang up your bird house that your little ones are wrapped up warm and dry. Our children’s waterproof jackets are perfect for this, and why not pair them up with matching kids waterproof trousers?