Probably the biggest challenge that faces parents every single day is ensuring that our kids are safe and sound. Road safety should never be far away from any responsible parent’s mind and as the daylight hours are particularly limited right now, it is more vital than ever. Here we look at some statistics and tips that should help to keep your children safe from road accidents all year around.
Scary Statistics
Were you aware that each year, more than 130 children are killed and a further 4,500 are badly injured as a result of walking or cycling along the roads here in the UK? That is a huge number and is more than twice the amount of children who die in a car crash. Even more surprising is the fact that 20% of these accidents occur on the way to or from school! The most at risk age for these terrible figures are 12 year old pedestrians and 14 year old cyclists. Perhaps not surprisingly, boys are more at risk than girls and the chances of having this type of accident will be greatly reduced if your children take part in road safety training.
Proven Tips
Probably the best advice with regards to our children staying safe walking and riding to and from school and other destinations is to enrol them in recognised road safety program. If you are unsure of where to look for a suitable course, speak to their teachers or your own doctor. There are plenty of great courses and they start at primary school level. Another top tip is to provide your kids with suitable hi-visibility jackets and accessories during the darker months. If you are dropping your kids off at school, always ensure that they leave your car on the passenger side because you never know what may happen if they climb out into a busy road. If your kids are cycling, provide them with a helmet, hi-visibility clothing and some decent lights.

Here at DryKids , we have a wide selection of hi-visibility vests that can be worn over their school clothes. Ask yourself if it worth the risk to think otherwise? Even the most fashion conscious kids will be happy with the colour selection that DryKids have on offer. They are all priced at a very reasonable £5.45 and come in 3 sizes.
We hope that you always think about your kid’s safety first and, by following these tips, your kids will be healthy and happy all year around.