So we’ve already waved a fond farewell to summer and those darker evenings are starting to creep up on us once more. It’s definitely autumn and although the balmy afternoons are but a memory, what’s to stop you and your family having some serious bonding time that can also be a lot of fun? Here we look at some cool suggestions that not only offer a safe and cost free way to make the most of your time together but also bridge the gap between the summer holidays and Christmas rather nicely.
Outdoor hijinks
So long as you all remember to wrap up nice and warm, why not go for a wander on a lazy Sunday afternoon? Alternatively you could get up early and see if the early bird really does have as much fun as they all say. You can pick bucket loads of autumnal fruit such as those delicious blackberries. Just ensure that your kids wear protective hand wear in case of thorns and see if you can keep a journal for all of the wildlife that you come across. The great thing about this time of year is the knowledge that you can always return to a warm home and start serving up hot chocolates as a much deserved treat. If you decided to wander out before or after the sun is nice and high in the sky, remember to kit yourselves out with to be on the safe side wherever you may go.
Warm and toasty
Although we all love the outdoors, why not mix and match your surroundings get your whole tribe to do an autumn clean? It’s kind of like a spring clean but you’ll be putting away all of the summer gear that you won’t be needing for 6 months at least. Ask the kids to tidy their rooms and offer some treats for the winners. Why not take all of the unwanted stuff down to the charity shop and give a little back to those who need your help? You could always take the opportunity to teach your kids how to cook up a storm in the kitchen. Who needs the likes of Jamie Oliver when you can transform those blackberries into a prize winning crumble that would put Nigella to shame?
Embrace autumn and follow some of these tips because before you know it, they’ll be hanging up those stockings and writing letters to that old guy who hangs out at the North Pole!
Right clothes for all seasons
We thoroughly believe that there simply is no such thing as the wrong weather so long as you are wearing the right clothes for the occasion! Speaking of which, Halloween is nearly here and what better way to get stuck into some great family fun than getting out there for some serious trick or treat shenanigans? Guy Fawkes Night is also just around the corner and you can have some excellent evening experiences on both of these annual delights. Investing in waterproofs for kids can help to keep little ones warm and snug when enjoying our autumn and winter weather.